Calcutta Notebook

This year India celebrates Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary. He was among those few social reformers who put the poor man on the center stage. He thought that the best way to break the decadence of the Indian society was to impart education to the common man. This task of education required money and organization. That was not easily available in India. Thus he approached the West for money.

Swamiji repeatedly states in his writings that the decline of India was due to its priests having abandoned the ideal of voluntary poverty and ascetism. They became materialist. They hypnotized the poor into slavery in order to capture the wealth of the country for their own consumption: "The one thing that is at the root of all evils in India is the condition of the poor... Priest-power and foreign conquest have trodden them down for centuries, and at last the poor of India have forgotten that they are human beings" (Complete Works, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 4.362).

Swamiji wanted the monks to impart education to the poor. He felt that once the minds of the poor were liberated they would be able to resist the tyranny of foreign powers which was responsible for their poverty. Economic exploitation and mental slavery are the twin pillars on which poverty thrives. A mentally agile people are more likely to rise and resist economic exploitation and stop the country's wealth being indiscriminately exported. Swamiji recognizes the fact of India's wealth being exported: "India is restless with the thought of how to face this specter of hunger. The draining of the best resources of the country by the foreigners, the unrestricted exports of merchandise and, above all, the abominable jealousy natural to slaves are eating into the vitals of India" (5.380). Swamiji recognizes that economic exploitation by the British was the root cause of India's poverty. But, at the same time, he puts greater importance on the self-deprecation of the common man of India. Reason is that the Indian people will be able to rise against the Western hegemony only if their self-esteem can be raised. Economic exploitation had made Indian people poor. They could not think beyond their needs of daily bread. This non-thinking attitude, in turn, prevented them from organizing and confronting the British. The route to break this vicious cycle was to impart education to the people.

Swamiji recognized that no country could become strong by following others: "But you must not depend on any foreign help. Nations, like individuals, must help themselves" (5.108). He castigated lndians for looking to the Europeans for salvation. He said that some of the countrymen "have become thoroughly Europeanized both in external habits and in ways of thought and ideas... (They) are continually praying to the Europeans to save them-'we are degraded, we have come down to the level of brutes; O ye European people, you are our saviours, have pity on us and raise us from this fallen state!" (5.444).

Swamiji calls the Western people Asuric: "They are the children of the great hero Virochana!" (6.448). Again: "Now, to understand the East and West, we cannot do better than interpret the Hindus as the sons of Devas and Westerners as the sons of Asuras" (5.471). He says that the Western people are a civilization of shopkeepers, they only worship the dollar and gold and that they were 'Shylocks' (3.158, 3.433, 4.199, 4.361). The challenge was how to break this gridlock. Indian people were poor and uneducated. Western people were Asuric. Swamiji's strategy was to take money from the Asura for spreading education in India. The spread of education would uplift the minds of Indian people and kill that same Asura who gave money for their education.

Clearly, therefore, Swamiji did not approach the Westerners with a feeling of inferiority or as a beggar. Quite the contrary he approached them with a feeling of contempt. He would have liked not to approach them at all if education could be spread without their assistance. However, the compulsions of poverty forced him to make a strategic compromise with the enemy, if one may say so.

The leaders of modern India are bending backward to accommodate the interests of the West. Instead of strengthening Indian economy Indian leaders are running after foreign investment and aid. In the process they are weakening India from the inside. The present day leaders invoke Swamiji's receiving money from the West as a justification of their own action. They ignore that Swamiji's main thrust was to liberate India from illiteracy and numbness of the mind. His limited interest was to raise money for this noble cause. Present day leaders should not be allowed to hide behind Swamiji's actions to justify their own misdoings.

Swamiji has been misrepresented to justify present Indian rulers continuing to look to the West for the amelioration of poverty. It is time that Indians get out of this dependence complex on the West and raise an economically and politically strong India.

Vol. 45, No. 42, Apr 28- -May 4, 2013

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